Grant Funding: Andrus Family Fund

Andrus Family Fund - A new generation fund...


The first step in applying for a funding grant is to submit an AFF Application Form and a two or three page letter of inquiry explaining the project for which funding is sought. The letter should include the following: a brief description of the project and how it accomplishes AFF's program strategies; information about the key participants, including staff members and beneficiaries; and a succinct description of the applicant organization.

crime prevention grant funding

crime prevention

privite sources of grant funding

private sources

grant funding sources

sources AFF conducts a preliminary review of an applicant's letter of inquiry for funding within forty-five days of its receipt. After this initial funding request review, AFF will either decline funding the proposal or, if the project falls within AFF's program guidelines, the applicant may be asked to submit a formal proposal. In some cases, AFF may ask to meet with the applicant organization to further refine the applicant's plans. Services

Andrus Family Fund Grants

Grant funding

transition framework to social change



Funds Home Many communities are searching for effective vehicles to address and move beyond the violence they experience. While retributive models designed to identify and punish aggressors have their place, some communities are exploring restorative justice models. The common theme here is to restore dignity to individuals and to provide a process for healing that allows the community to move forward. If you wish to apply from the Andrus Family, you need not only have a project that falls within the areas in which we make our services available, but you also need to be willing to build into your efforts a way to help your clients and others affected by your efforts through the transitions that your actions will inevitably cause. This does not mean that you need to be an expert on transition or even that you fully understand the transition-dimension of your project. We will help you with those things. Many communities are searching for effective vehicles to address and move beyond the violence they experience. While retributive models designed to identify and punish aggressors have their place, some communities are exploring restorative justice models. The common theme here is to restore dignity to individuals and to provide a process for healing that allows the community to move forward. If you wish to apply from the Andrus Family, you need not only have a project that falls within the areas in which we make our thrust, but you also need to be willing to build into your efforts a way to help your clients and others affected by your efforts through the transitions that your actions will inevitably cause. This does not mean that you need to be an expert on transition or even that you fully understand the transition-dimension of your project. We will help you with those things. Many communities are searching for effective vehicles to address and move beyond the violence they experience. While retributive models designed to identify and punish aggressors have their place, some communities are exploring restorative justice models. The common theme here is to restore dignity to individuals and to provide a process for healing that allows the community to move forward. Grant funding from the Andrus Family Fund