Transition Framework to Social Change: Andrus Family Fund
Transition Framework to Social Change -
Andrus Family Fund - A new generation fund... continuing a family tradition of learning
through giving... Connecting individual
passions to action...
Applying a transition framework to social change.
Transgender transition
transition management
Assisting and aiding in the management of transition
Transition to adulthood
Helping the transition from foster care to adulthood
transition planning
helping to plan transition
Transition is fundamentally different from change. Where change is external and situational
(i.e., marriage, a new job), transition is the internal process of how one responds to the change.
There are three phases in transitions. First, there is an ending, where one acknowledges the losses
that result from letting go of the familiar. Second, there is a neutral zone, where the old situation
no longer exists and the new is not yet comfortable and, third, if the first two are adequately
attended to, there can be a new beginning. We believe that change efforts will have a better chance
for success if framed with transition processes in mind. AFF will explore the power of the transition
model as it applies broadly to
the area of social change, and as it applies specifically to two program areas.
Andrus Family Fund Grants
transition framework to social change
foster care
conflict resolution
Many communities are searching for effective
vehicles to address and move beyond the violence
they experience. While retributive models designed
to identify and punish aggressors have their place,
some communities are exploring restorative justice
models. The common theme here is to restore dignity
to individuals and to provide a process for healing
that allows the community to move forward.
If you wish to apply from the Andrus Family, you need not only have a project that falls within the areas in which we make our grants, but you also need to be willing to build into your efforts a way to help your clients and others affected by your efforts through the transitions that your actions will inevitably cause.
This does not mean that you need to be an expert on transition or even that you fully understand the transition-dimension of your project. We will help you with those things.
Many communities are searching for effective
vehicles to address and move beyond the violence
they experience. While retributive models designed
to identify and punish aggressors have their place,
some communities are exploring restorative justice
models. The common theme here is to restore dignity
to individuals and to provide a process for healing
that allows the community to move forward.
If you wish to apply from the Andrus Family, you need not only have a project that falls within the areas in which we make our grants, but you also need to be willing to build into your efforts a way to help your clients and others affected by your efforts through the transitions that your actions will inevitably cause.
This does not mean that you need to be an expert on transition or even that you fully understand the transition-dimension of your project. We will help you with those things.