

Andrus Family Fund Seeks Program Officer


Andrus Family Fund's grantmaking practice
and strategy. MORE >>


William E. Bridges, the author, teacher and consultant whose pioneering work on transition transformed the way people think about change, died on February 17, 2013. MORE >>


The Board of Directors of the Andrus Family Fund (AFF) and the Andrus Family Philanthropy Program (AFPP) is proud to announce the appointment of Leticia Peguero as its new Executive Director, effective February 18, 2013. MORE >>


John E. Andrus III, Chairman Emeritus of the Surdna Foundation, Dies at 103...MORE >>


Community Reconciliation Evaluation Report

An evaluation of the Andrus Family Fund’s Community Reconciliation program was conducted by Community Science, an award winning research and development organization. Please click here to read the evaluation report.


AFF's Theory, Indicators and Measures of Change


Youth Experience of Transition (YET) Study


The AFF Board met in September 2012 and approved 18 grants totaling $1,827,950


The AFF Board met in May 2012 and approved
14 grants totaling $1,531,250


The AFF board met in January 2012 and approved 18 grants totaling $1,655,750


Collective Transitions and Community Resilience in the Face of Enduring Trauma MORE >>


Homemade Justice MORE >>


A Leader's Guide to Managing Transitions for Teens MORE >>


In spite of projected budget decreases over the next few years, AFF is still accepting new proposals, with slightly revised priorities... MORE >>


AFF has a new definition of Community Reconciliation...MORE >>



The fund was established in 2000 to give fifth generation Andrus family members between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five an opportunity to learn about and participate in organized philanthropy.  While AFF operates under the 501(c)(3) status of the Surdna Foundation, AFF defines and manages its own grantmaking program, process and has its own mission statement.



The Andrus Family Fund, guided by the Transitions Framework and principles of racial equity, seeks to foster just and sustainable change in the United States. Specifically, we aspire to advance efforts leading to community reconciliation and improving outcomes for youth who are leaving the foster care system.



AFF’s grantmaking efforts fall within two program areas: 
(1) youth passage from foster care to independence; and (2) community reconciliation.


AFF believes that social change efforts have a better chance for success when participants recognize and address the emotional and psychological effects of the change process.  AFF requires grantees to employ the Transition Framework.1


AFF is also guided by a commitment toward a racially equitable society, which the Fund defines as one in which the distribution of resources, opportunities and burdens [is] not determined or predictable by race.2  We aspire to make grants to organizations who will be good learning partners in efforts toward that goal.


1William Bridges, a noted author and organizational consultant, uses the term “transition” to refer to the psychological process that a person experiences when he or she comes to terms with a new situation.

2Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens, available at