Action Evaluation Research Institute
1050 President Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Grant Amount: $88,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2002
Purpose of Grant: To fund the Action Evaluation Research Institute (AERI) to guide a final educational and "hand-off" process with community representatives; analyze and document the collaborative process to date, and the application Bridges' transitions framework to it; facilitate thoughtful and accurate coverage of the collaborative process by the media; and adapt the lessons learned from the Cincinnati Collaborative process to similar instances of conflict in other jurisdictions.
Action Evaluation Research Institute
1050 President Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Grant Amount: $25,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To fund the Action Evaluation Research Institute, the nonprofit arm of the ARIA Group, to host an Action Evaluation Conference, Enhancing the Power of Action Evaluation, in which it will bring Action Evaluation practitioners, partners, sponsors and associates together to create a shared understanding of how the Action Evaluation methodology and technology can be further developed.
Action Evaluation Research Institute
1050 President Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Grant Amount: $85,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: January 2004
Purpose of Grant: To develop both a user-friendly integrated model of Transitions and Action Evaluation for use by grantees, and a curriculum to train grantees in the model's use.
Active Voice
600 Townsend Street, #140 W
Suite 505
Greensboro, NC 27401
Grant Amount: $98,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: The Closer to the Truth project will use Adam Zucker’s film, Greensboro: Closer to the Truth, to encourage people in US communities to consider how collectively understanding the truth of their own historical conflicts or injustices can facilitate societal reform and reconciliation efforts.
Active Voice
600 Townsend Street, #140 W
Suite 505
Greensboro, NC 27401
Grant Amount: $1,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Active Voice to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Active Voice
600 Townsend Street, #140 W
Suite 505
Greensboro, NC 27401
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009
Purpose of Grant: AFF BETs III Project - To produce Shelbyville “Safe Space” module, a story-based tool to help communities address tremendous resistance to rapid demographic change, particularly in tough economic times. Using powerful moments from the BeCause Foundation’s upcoming documentary Welcome to Shelbyville, Active Voice will create a video module that follows a handful of diverse people in a small southern town struggling with the impact of recent waves of immigration. The focus will be on Somali characters and their neighbors.
The Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Avenue South
Suite 550
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Grant Amount: $38,500 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: As a first step toward reconciliation, to identify and articulate the conflicts in the Liberian diaspora community that currently preclude reconciliation and healing for Liberians now living in the U.S.
The Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Avenue South
Suite 550
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Grant Amount: $150,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Purpose of Grant: To implement a post-truth and reconciliation commission community change and reconciliation process in the Liberian diaspora.
The Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Avenue South
Suite 550
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Grant Amount: $6,900 (15 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Advocates for Human Rights to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
The Advocates for Human Rights
650 Third Avenue South
Suite 1240
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Grant Amount: $192,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To build on the successes of the Liberian Women’s Roundtable and implement the next phase of a post-truth and reconciliation commission community change process in the Liberian diaspora in Minnesota.
Baltimore Community Foundation
John Griffith Memorial Fund
2 East Read Street, 9th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: John Griffith was the husband of AFF Board Member Liz Wilson and son of Dr. Lawrence and Anne Griffith. He grew up in Maryland and graduated from Friends School of Baltimore and Haverford College. He obtained a master’s from UCLA School of Public Health. He earned a medical degree from Case Western University and did his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at University Hospitals of Cleveland. Following group practice in Ohio, he joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions where he established the Fibroid Center.
John was a highly regarded medical doctor who was most honored by awards which prized his compassionate care of patients and his teaching and mentorship of residents. What John treasured most was using his immense talents and huge heart to help people and make a positive difference in their lives. Liz Wilson has established a Fund to help support in others the same passion for learning, teaching, and giving. This grant will support this Fund.
The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
20798 Syracuse Street
Warren, MI 480891
Grant Amount: $32,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2002
Purpose of Grant: To fund six months of planning that will allow the leaders of Detroit's interfaith community to go through a reflective process, gather input from their congregants, create a vision for a more cohesive Detroit metropolitan faith-based community, and develop a two-year action agenda that will facilitate the community's movement toward this articulated goal.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc.
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $10,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To convene a group of AFF-funded truth-seeking processes for the purposes of learning from the truth and reconciliation process in Greensboro, as well as from each other’s ongoing work.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc./Greensboro Justice Fund
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $20,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: November 2001
Purpose of Grant: To support the planning phase of a reconciliation process that would attempt to address the conflict in Greensboro surrounding the 1979 killing of five labor and civil rights demonstrators by Klu Klux Klansmen and American Nazi Party members.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc.
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $330,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: April 2002
Purpose of Grant: To support the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) that will attempt to address the conflict in Greensboro surrounding the 1979 killing of five labor and civil rights demonstrators by Ku Klux Klansmen and American Nazi Party members, and to work with community residents and stakeholders to implement the TRC's recommendations.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc.
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $27,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To fund a day-and-a-half convening (mini-conference) of a small group of Community Reconciliation grantees to explore the role that a collective understanding of history plays in community reconciliation efforts.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc.
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $250,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To engage ever-widening, concentric circles of people, institutions and communities in the implementation of key recommendations from the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission and general lessons learned from the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project.
Beloved Community Center of Greensboro, Inc.
417 Arlington Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
Grant Amount: $4,600 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Beloved Community Center to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
2473 Valentine Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Grant Amount: $16,375 (4 months)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To hire a full time consultant to coordinate the organizing, education, outreach, coordination and planning related to the waterfront initiative. This initiative is already being funded by AFF and currently involves planning a multi-stakeholder engagement process convened and facilitated by the Urban Justice Center and CAAAV (including member leaders of the Chinatown Tenant Union) with the goal of creating a community (broadly defined) vision and plan that will have a significant and concrete impact on promoting equitable and sustainable development in Chinatown.
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
2473 Valentine Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Grant Amount: $99,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To support a collaborative process among Chinatown and Lower East Side residents and other stakeholders for the purpose of (1) developing a comprehensive, long term community vision for the use and space of the East River Waterfront; and (2) creating a comprehensive community-led and oriented business plan to implement that vision.
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities
2473 Valentine Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Grant Amount: $150,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
Grant Amount: $113,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Purpose of Grant: With the Urban Justice Center, CAAAV will complete the long-term project of engaging low-income community stakeholders in the development of the East River Waterfront.
CDR Associates
100 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80302
Grant Amount: $140,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: November 2001
Purpose of Grant: To fund a process for developing a set of principles to guide disputes between Native Americans and the National Park Service regarding access to parklands for religious and cultural practices.
Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
7315 Hanover Parkway, Suite C
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Grant Amount: $147,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs of the Seventh Annual Learning Exchange of AFF Grantees, which will take place in the summer/fall of 2008. The conference will be coordinated and administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
7315 Hanover Parkway, Suite C
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Grant Amount: $195,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs of the Eighth Annual Learning Exchange of AFF Grantees, which will take place in the summer of 2011. The conference will be coordinated and administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Center for Teen Empowerment
392 Genesee Street
Rochester, NY 14611
Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010
Purpose of Grant: To refine and implement the action steps generated through a collaborative process designed to improve the relationships between police and youth in Rochester, New York.
The Center for Teen Empowerment
48 Rutland Street
Boston, MA 02118
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2001
Purpose of Grant: To fund Teen Empowerment/Boston Police Department's Reconciliation Project - a program focused on improving police and youth relations in the South End/Lower Roxbury section of Boston.
The Center for Teen Empowerment
48 Rutland Street
Boston, MA 02118
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2002
Purpose of Grant: To fund Teen Empowerment's continued efforts to implement the Teen Empowerment/Boston Police Department's Reconciliation.
The Center for Teen Empowerment
48 Rutland Street
Boston, MA 02118
Grant Amount: $87,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To extend Rochester’s already impressive collaboration between the police department and a youth organization to the broader community through the development and implementation of a phased collaborative action plan between youth and police designed to address rising levels of mistrust in the aftermath of recent killings and a subsequent amplification of police presence and force.
The Center for Teen Empowerment
48 Rutland Street
Boston, MA 02118
Grant Amount: $89,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To support the final phases of a collaborative action planning process designed to improve the relationship between police and youth in Rochester, New York.
The City University of New York
Dispute Resolution Consortium
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 Tenth Avenue, Suite 520
New York, NY 10019
Grant Amount: $82,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2002
Purpose of Grant: To fund the Making Talk Work: Cops and Kids Transition Dialogue Program - a pilot project which seeks to build upon the existing Cops and Kids Program to improve relations between police and young people by: providing them with valuable conflict resolution skills; offering an opportunity to engage in an expressive, open discussion with each other within a supportive, respective setting; and aiding participants in developing and presenting, to community members, ways to resolve issues of community concern.
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Foundation Place
330 South Greene Street
Suite 100
Greensboro, NC 27401
Telephone: (336) 379-9100
Fax: (336) 378-0725
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $80,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To engage the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, the Office of Child and Family Services, Tribal governments, Maine governments and Tribal communities in supporting and engaging in the next phase of the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $112,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To engage training and technical assistance to establish sustainable Healing Circles for each of the five Maine Tribal communities who wish to participate, specifically for the purpose of supporting community members during the truth commission process.
Grassroots Leadership
P.O. Box 36006
Charlotte, NC 28236-6006
Grant Amount: $29,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To wrap up Grassroots Leadership’s involvement in the Black-Brown community reconciliation project in Houston, Texas.
Greensboro Truth & Community Reconciliation Project
122 N. Elm Street
Suite 505
Greensboro, NC 27401
Grant Amount: $60,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: March 2005
Purpose of Grant: The grant's purpose is for the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission (GTRC) to jumpstart their work of seeking the truth surrounding the events of November 3, 1979. The GTRC will produce a final report on its findings, along with specific recommendations for the Greensboro community and its institutions on how to make greater strides toward healing, reconciliation, and restorative justice.
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Foundation Place
330 South Greene Street
Suite 100
Greensboro, NC 27401
Telephone: (336) 379-9100
Fax: (336) 378-0725
Greensboro Truth & Community Reconciliation Project
122 N. Elm Street
Suite 505
Greensboro, NC 27401
Grant Amount: $125,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005
Purpose of Grant: The grant's purpose is to providing funding for personnel, monthly expenses and programs for the Commissioners to complete their deliberations, write a final report, and distribute the report to the Greensboro community.
Community Law Center
2315 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Grant Amount: $115,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001
Purpose of Grant: To fund the first two years of a three-year project to provide a series of community conferences to address the seriously eroded relationships between residents and police in the Greenmount West neighborhood in Baltimore.
Conflict Management Group
9 Waterhouse Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To fund a planning project in Providence, Rhode Island to assess the potential value for a joint application of the Transition Framework, Action Evaluation, and Interest-Based Negotiation in skills building and community reconciliation towards improved police-community relations.
Construyendo Círculos de Paz/Constructing Circles of Peace (CCP)
1859 N. Grand Avenue
Suite #4
Nogales, AZ 85621
Grant Amount: $1,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To create promotional materials necessary for the growth and development of Construyendo Círculos de Paz/Constructing Circles of Peace (CCP) and to enable CCP staff to hire a consultant who will design a logo, stationery, business cards and an introductory brochure to educate clients, officials, the media and funders about this ground-breaking program.
Construyendo Círculos de Paz/Constructing Circles of Peace (CCP)
1859 N. Grand Avenue
Suite #4
Nogales, AZ 85621
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To expand the use of the Transition Framework from its current clinical setting into every Circle, staff meeting and community-wide event held by the agency. Constructing Circles of Peace, in partnership with the Center on Violence and Recovery, will also introduce refined data-collection tools to document the impact and use of the Transition Framework on all stakeholders in the Circle, including Circle Keepers, individuals, families, and participating community members.
Co-op Power
(Franklin County Community Development Corporation)
324 Wells Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
Grant Amount: $125,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To (1) facilitate a Collaborative Change Approach (CCA) process in one of the communities Co-op Power is helping to develop its own sustainable energy resources and (2) to build the capacity within Co-op Power to facilitate CCA Processes in future projects.
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education, Inc.
P.O. Box 7163
Winslow, AZ 86047
Grant Amount: $50,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: April 2005
Purpose of Grant: To integrate the Collaborative Change Approach with the Navajo and Hopi traditional peacemaking processes to bring together and engage native peoples in deep dialogue with one another about their water. The core outcome of this entire project will be a deep sense of voice.
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education, Inc.
P.O. Box 7163
Winslow, AZ 86047
Grant Amount: $20,000 (4 months)
Date Awarded: September 2005
Purpose of Grant: To enable Project staff to refine the design for and build their capacity to facilitate the “Water is Life” Project in the Tuba City and Chinle areas of the Navajo Nation.
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education, Inc.
P.O. Box 7163
Winslow, AZ 86047
Grant Amount: $95,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To enable the Navajo to speak with a more powerful and unified voice to their leaders about the sacred nature of and equitable distribution of water.
Domestic Workers United
1201 Broadway, Suite 907-908
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $181,000
Date Awarded: January 2011
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
666 Broadway, Suite 500
New York, NY 10012
Grant Amount: $115,000
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To support the Domestic Justice Dialogue Project which is designed to improve employee and employer relationships in the domestic work industry through the parallel organizing of and dialogue between domestic workers and their employers.
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education, Inc.
P.O. Box 7163
Winslow, AZ 86047
Grant Amount: $95,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2007
Purpose of Grant: To enable 36 Navajo peacemakers to facilitate work on environmental and natural resource issues by developing relationships among all the various stakeholders, creating respect and cooperation through a comprehensive goal identification, change and Transition process.
Duke University
Human Rights Center
234 Ernestine Friedl Building
East Campus
Box 90091, Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0402
Grant Amount: $134,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To support the first stage of the Pauli Murray Project – a collaborative exploration of history and history-telling for the purpose of opening and strengthening cross-community ties, promoting reconciliation and working for positive change. The long-term goal of the project is a planned history museum and a stronger and more democratic community.
Duke University
Human Rights Center
234 Ernestine Friedl Building
East Campus
Box 90091, Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0402
Grant Amount: $3,5000 (12 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Duke University’s Human Rights Center to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Duke University
Human Rights Center
234 Ernestine Friedl Building
East Campus
Box 90091, Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0402
Grant Amount: $52,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: April 2010
Purpose of Grant: To support the second stage of the Pauli Murray Project – a collaborative exploration of history and history-telling for the purpose of opening and strengthening cross-community ties, promoting reconciliation and working for positive change. Specifically, this grant will pay for half of the salary and benefits for the project director.
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $60,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To engage Maine Tribal communities in planning the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $60,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To engage Maine Tribal communities in planning the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.
Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $115,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010
Purpose of Grant: To engage the Maine Office of Child and Family Services, Tribal governments, Maine governments and Tribal communities in supporting and engaging in the next phase of the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.
147 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Grant Amount: $60,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To build dialogue between the various stakeholders in the West Village in an effort to deepen trust, mutual respect, understanding and a willingness to collaborate among community members. By forming partnerships within the community, the goal of the West Village Community Reconciliation Project is to create a community where all stakeholders, including LGBTQ youth and residents, feel safe and welcome and are working together towards a common goal.
Flathead Valley Community College Foundation
777 Grandview Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
Grant Amount: $157,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To engage a broad base of stakeholders in the Flathead Valley Community in a CCA process in which they begin to design a way to engage in respectful civic discourse to address some of the conflict that has arisen as a result of the community’s changing economic landscape. Natural resource use will be the initial conflict to be addressed.
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLESN)
121 West 27th Street
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2001
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite GLESN's Accountability Program, a new program aimed at community reconciliation on the issue of anti-gay hate violence.
Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $13,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2002
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the cost of the Second Annual meeting of Community Reconciliation grantees. The seminar was facilitated by Lisa Magarrell of the International Center for Transitional Justice, and brought current and prospective grantees together to share their experiences and lessons from their work with the transitions framework.
Grassroots Leadership
P.O. Box 36006
Charlotte, NC 28236-6006
Grant Amount: $111,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Purpose of Grant: To support the first two stages of a four-stage effort to address immigration issues and heal divisions that have arisen around those issues in Houston, Texas.
Grassroots Leadership
P.O. Box 36006
Charlotte, NC 28236-6006
Grant Amount: $6,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Grassroots Leadership to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Grassroots Leadership
P.O. Box 36006
Charlotte, NC 28236-6006
Grant Amount: $6,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Grassroots Leadership to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
2105 First Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Grant Amount: $66,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To develop a plan for the creation of Community Restoration of Environmental Justice project initially focused on two communities in the Midwest with the intent for the model to be replicated in other communities around the country that have suffered environmental injustices.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2001
Purpose of Grant: To fund a year-long Andrus Family Fund Fellowship, based at the International Center for Transitional Justice, to develop ideas for how various international models of transitional and restorative justice could address domestic hate crime, conservation and police/community issues.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2002
Purpose of Grant: To provide support to ICTJ's theoretical and practical work in the field of transitional justice and reconciliation, to the benefit of both ICTJ and AFF.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $53,250 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To allow the International Center for Transitional Justice to provide substantive support to the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project and to the upcoming Greensboro Truth Commission.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To allow the International Center for Transitional Justice to continue to provide substantive support to the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project and to the upcoming Greensboro Truth Commission.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $52,100 (9 months)
Date Awarded: September 2006
Purpose of Grant: To allow Lisa Magarrell, Senior Associate at the ICTJ, and Jill Williams, the former Director of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to work with key Greensboro partners to evaluate the broader impact of the Greensboro truth and reconciliation process and share the lessons learned with other community efforts.
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
5 Hanover Square, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $212,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To support at least three AFF-funded truth and reconciliation processes in the United States – Mississippi, Maine and Detroit – and to glean lessons learned from the Canadian TRC process that are relevant to local truth seeking and reconciliation efforts in the US.
Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2001
Purpose of Grant: To distill lessons from African environmental conservation programs that can form a framework for addressing conservation conflicts in the United States.
Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $31,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2002
Purpose of Grant: To distill lessons from African environmental conservation programs that can form a framework for addressing conservation conflicts in the United States.
Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $57,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs of the Second Annual meetings of Community Reconciliation and Foster Care to Independence grantees (both past and current grantees).
Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $6,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To fund the dissemination and publication of the results of JGI's Conservation and Community Conflict Study.
Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs of the Third Annual meetings of Community Reconciliation and Foster Care to Independence grantees (both past and current grantees). The Community Reconciliation meeting will take place either late summer, or early fall of 2004.
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
Grant Amount: $205,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2008
Purpose of Grant: To develop two strong stakeholder groups – immigrants and religious leaders – to plan and participate in a collaborative process with a third stakeholder group – media representatives – designed to reframe the public discourse about immigration.
Just Communities – Central Coast
(formerly The National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ],
Central Coach Region)
1528 Chapala Street
Suite 308
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant Amount: $17,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To enable NCCJ to hire the ARIA Group to train staff of NCCJ and the Santa Barbara School District to facilitate a Collaborative Change Approach process during a retreat in March 2006, in which District stakeholders (students, parents, faculty/staff, administrators, board, and community members) will engage in a visioning and planning process to develop a comprehensive plan that will produce measurable and sustainable decreases in the achievement gap and in other areas where racism impacts the school system.
Just Communities – Central Coast
(formerly The National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ],
Central Coach Region)
1528 Chapala Street
Suite 308
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant Amount: $150,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To engage the Santa Barbara School Districts in NCCJ’s Institute for Equity in Education (IIE) - a comprehensive and long-term effort to eliminate the academic achievement gap between students of color (primarily Latina/o students) and white students.
Just Communities – Central Coast
(formerly The National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ],
Central Coach Region)
1528 Chapala Street
Suite 308
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant Amount: $172,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: Through the addition of a full-time Transitions Coach, to develop and support a critical mass of educators, students, parents and community leaders in local school districts capable of managing efforts to address structural racism, educational inequality and achievement gaps in the local schools.
Just Communities – Central Coast
(formerly The National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ],
Central Coach Region)
1528 Chapala Street
Suite 308
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant Amount: $2,200 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Just Communities to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Just Communities – Central Coast
(formerly The National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ],
Central Coach Region)
1528 Chapala Street
Suite 308
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant Amount: $160,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2010
Purpose of Grant: The purpose of this grant is twofold: (1) To build on the success of the full-time Transitions Coach hired under Just Communities’ last grant from the Andrus Family fund; (2) To further develop and support a critical mass of educators, students, parents and community leaders in local school districts capable of managing efforts to address structural racism, educational inequality and achievement gaps in the local schools.
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
333 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $16,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2001
Purpose of Grant: To support the first phase in a process to improve police and community relations in New York City.
Legal Aid Justice Center
1000 Preston Avenue, Suite A
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $76,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: April 2011
Purpose of Grant: To support the immigrant communities of Northern Virginia as they design a community reconciliation process to better identify, understand and address the community’s challenges in terms of the state’s changing demographics and strengthen their ability to participate in official state-wide decision making processes.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $12,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2010
Purpose of Grant: To plan and initiate a comprehensive community reconciliation initiative to respond to an intensification of hate-related violence in Port Richmond, Staten Island.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $18,000 (4 months)
Date Awarded: September 2004
Purpose of Grant: To allow Make the Road by Walking (MRBW) to explore the possibility of using William Bridges' Transition Framework and the C3 (formerly known as Action Evaluation methodology to collaboratively resolve the problem of endemic homophobia in Bushwick neighborhood high schools through MRBW's and GLOBE's Safe Schools Campaign.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $80,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2005
Purpose of Grant: To allow Make the Road by Walking (MRBW) and Gay and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) to utilize the Collaborative Change Approach (CCA) to facilitate a collaborative change process in which students, school administrators, staff, security, and parents work together to resolve the problem of endemic homophobia in three Bushwick neighborhood high schools through MRBW/GLOBE's Safe Schools Campaign.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $95,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2006
Purpose of Grant: To allow Make the Road by Walking (MRBW) and Gay and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) to continue its work with stakeholders in the Safe Schools Project to institutionalize changes to ensure long-term solutions to the problem of homophobia and transphobia in schools.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To allow Make the Road by Walking and Gay and Lesbians of Bushwick Empowered (GLOBE) to continue its work with stakeholders in the Safe Schools Project, and to launching the project in at least two new high schools.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $138,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To support core student and staff leaders to use the Transitions Framework at both the Academy of Urban Planning and the Pan-American International High School in order to address institutional homophobia in all aspects of school life including curricula, staff professional development, student programming, and school policy. Also, to allow staff to continue to provide support to the staff and students at Bushwick Community High School and Bushwick School for Social Justice.
Make the Road New York
301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY 11237
Grant Amount: $111,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To conduct a survey and one-on-one interviews as the first steps in a community reconciliation initiative to respond to an intensification of hate-related violence in Port Richmond, Staten Island.
The Meridian Institute
P.O. Box 1829
Dillon, CO 80435
Grant Amount: $100,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2003
Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the principles of the Transition framework into Meridian's existing approach to facilitating community-based watershed initiatives in four watershed communities in New Mexico.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
525 New Center One
3031 West Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $151,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: September 2010
Purpose of Grant: To support the Housing Project Partnership as it continues a public education campaign and establishes and supports the work of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 165,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To fund a "Commitment to Inclusion and Justice: A Community Engagement Program to Reduce Racial Profiling in Detroit," a structured process designed to engage members of the Detroit community in: (1) understanding and acknowledging the discrimination and biases associated with racial profiling; and (2) identifying, creating and implementing new strategies for successful community reconciliation efforts and improved community-police relations.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 100,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2005
Purpose of Grant: To enable the Interfaith Partners Board to engage in activities to solidify the New Beginning that it has reached and to expand and engage the circle of people and congregations in the larger interfaith community in activities that will help them navigate their own transition process so that they can share in this New Beginning.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 77,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2005
Purpose of Grant: To build on Southwest Detroit and National Conference for Community and Justice's (NCCJ's) collaborative efforts over the past two years (these efforts, collaboratively, are referred to as "impact Southwest Detroit") to enhance the relationship between police and community by: (1) further developing southwest Detroit's internal capacity for collaboratively social change; and (2) augmenting NCCJ's organizational capacity for improving community-police relations throughout Michigan.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2006
Purpose of Grant: To allow NCCJ-MI to continue to support the Initiative for Meaningful Police and Community Trust (IMPACT), and to assist the IMPACT Steering Committee members with developing a strategic plan for sustainability, including a fund development plan consistent with IMPACT’s goals.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 34,916 (6 months)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To enable the Working Group of the Interfaith Leaders Council to prepare itself for Bridging the Congregational Divide (BCD) – a process to address institutional racism and racial inequity in the Detroit Metro community.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 80,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To facilitate the first phase of a process designed to address racial inequities created and perpetuated by the policies of the Federal Housing Administration in the metropolitan Detroit community. The first phase will take the form of a mock trial; the second phase will be a truth and reconciliation process; and the third phase will take the form of a regional action project.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 5,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Michigan Roundtable to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
(formerly known as, National Conference for Community and Justice Michigan Region)
525 New Center One
3031 W. Grand Boulevard
Grant Amount: $ 85,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009
Purpose of Grant: To build on momentum created in the Housing Project Mock Trial by creating a working committee of representatives from various stakeholder groups. This committee (the Housing Project Partnership) will make decisions about how to move ahead beyond the Mock Trial; one possible direction will be towards establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence
22 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07042
Grant Amount: $ 35,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009
Purpose of Grant: To expand the resources available on the Transitions Knowledge Bank, including a series of short Transition films.
National Organization for Victim Assistance/Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking
School of Social Work, University of Minnesota
233 Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Grant Amount: $110,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001
Purpose of Grant: To promote community reconciliation through the identification, examination and development of new responses to hate crimes/hate incidents that are based on facilitated dialogue and other restorative justice principles.
New Lens
(formerly known as Kids on the Hill)
2117 Brookfield Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
Grant Amount: $90,000 (16 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Purpose of Grant: Through the addition of a full-time Transitions Coach, to develop and support a critical mass of educators, students, parents and community leaders in local school districts capable of managing efforts to address structural racism, educational inequality and achievement gaps in the local schools.
New Lens
(formerly known as Kids on the Hill)
2117 Brookfield Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
Grant Amount: $5,000 (13 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow New Lens to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
New Prospect Development Corporation
1823 Elm Street
Cincinnati, OH 45210
Grant Amount: $100,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001
Purpose of Grant: To fund the planning and design phase of a year-long project to create a collaborative process for addressing and easing tensions between the Cincinnati police and communities of color.
New Prospect Development Corporation
1823 Elm Street
Cincinnati, OH 45210
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2002
Purpose of Grant: To help support the implementation of the Community Partnering Plan, a project included in the Collaborative Agreement that is designed to prepare the community for community problem oriented policing (CPOP), a central feature of the Agreement.
New York Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To support the planning, research and relationship-building phase of a collaborative process to address the over-policing of New York City public schools.
New York Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $296,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To support the second phase of a collaborative process to address the over-policing of New York City public schools. This phase will include deepening relationships with stakeholder groups, promoting and laying the foundation for the adoption of positive school safety models in select schools, developing a training module for School Safety Agents and developing the preliminary framework for a Memorandum of Understanding that will eventually outline the stakeholders’ collaboratively defined vision for school safety in New York City public schools.
New York Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Grant Amount: $3,250 (18 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow New York Civil Liberties Union to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
New York University
Center on Violence and Recovery
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012-1502
Grant Amount: $58,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2005
Purpose of Grant: To introduce and explore the use of Peacemaking Circles (PCs), an innovative, non-traditional restorative justice intervention, to address domestic violence issues on an individual and community level in Nogales, Arizona.
New York University
Center on Violence and Recovery
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012-1502
Grant Amount: $28,270 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To set up and maintain an online "knowledge bank" of grantees' application of the Transitions Framework.
New York University
Center on Violence and Recovery
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012-1502
Grant Amount: $170,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2006
Purpose of Grant: To: (1) expand the program administering Peace Circles (PCs) in Nogales, Arizona; (2) to enhance the connection between the use of Transition Framework (TF) and the community/family reconciliation work occurring in PCs, and to ensure its consistent integration into the PC program; and (3) to stabilize the PC program during the study period while additional foundation funds are raised to support the programs continuation.
New York University
Center on Violence and Recovery
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012-1502
Grant Amount: $90,750 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To complete Phase I, and begin and complete Phase II, in creating, setting up and maintaining knowledge bank (website), utilizing both existing and new material on social change and the Transition Framework.
New York University
Center on Violence and Recovery
194 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10012-1502
Grant Amount: $170,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To reimburse the Center on Violence and Recovery for the overage from the 2006 Annual Grantee conference.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust
P.O. Box 398
Bayside, CA 95524
Grant Amount: $2,500 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2010
Purpose of Grant: To allow two staff members to attend the Land Trust Alliance annual conference to present a workshop on the Northcoast Dialogues Project.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust
P.O. Box 398
Bayside, CA 95524
Grant Amount: $110,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To enable the Northcoast Regional Land Trust to pilot the use of the Collaborative Change Approach (CCA) process to involve key stakeholders in planning to engage the larger Northwestern California community in the Northcoast Dialogues and Agenda project, a project to improve the quality of discussion on land use issues and the community’s collective ability to create the future of its choice.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust
P.O. Box 398
Bayside, CA 95524
Grant Amount: $110,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2008
Purpose of Grant: To (1) develop and implement action plans around the collectively defined vision statements and action themes created during Phase I of the Northcoast Regional Land Trust’s (NRLT) collaborative initiative to develop a 100-year community vision for the landscapes, communities, and economies of California’s northernmost coast and (2) build even stronger and more diverse community support for this project with strategic outreach efforts to targeted groups.
Northcoast Regional Land Trust
P.O. Box 398
Bayside, CA 95524
Grant Amount: $30,000 (15 months)
Date Awarded: September 2009
Purpose of Grant: To complete the Northcoast Dialogues Working Lands Strategy and to channel two years of project momentum into the development of HumFutures, a community-based hub of collaborative initiatives.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $50,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: January 2004
Purpose of Grant: To engage NAMA stakeholders in a participatory planning process that would enable them to reach consensus on NAMA's organizational purpose and goals, and to systematically plan for a larger-scale intervention that would engage a number of deeply-rooted conflicts within the northwest Atlantic fishing community.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $42,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2004
Purpose of Grant: To plan the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance's facilitation of the design of a large-scale visioning process for the New England fishery.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $190,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2004
Purpose of Grant: The purpose of this project is twofold: (1) to engage diverse stakeholders in New England's groundfish industry in a negotiation process in order to build a shared vision for its future; and (2) to work to see that the results are widely disseminated and form a foundation for subsequent fisheries management decisions.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2006
Purpose of Grant: The grant will support three interrelated goals: (1) the writing of a book entitled, Sharing the Ocean: Building a Common Vision for New England's Commercial Fisheries, that documents the Fleet Visioning Project (FVP), a recent AFF-funded effort that addressed the conflict over fisheries management in the Northeast; (2) articulate an accessible explanation of the Collaborative Change Approach (CCA) in order to provide AFF grantees and other communities undergoing change with a reference for managing change; (3) to serve as a "living document" to remind the Northwest Atlantic fishery community of the important progress it achieved, helping to sustain the transition as well as promote the implementation of FVP products into management.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $110,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To organize a Collaborative with broad representation among fishing communities in the Northwest Atlantic region and to support that Collaborative as it begins to implement the vision for groundfish as put forth in the AFF-funded Fleet Vision Project (FVP).
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (NAMA)
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $3,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: Julyy 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow NAMA to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $93,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2010
Purpose of Grant: To expand and coordinate the Fish Locally Collaborative as it continues to work to implement the Fleet Vision Project.
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance
30 Leverett Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Grant Amount: $103,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To implement the Fleet Vision outcomes – particularly fleet diversity, environmental resiliency and bottom up governance – through rule and policy making pathways that have become clear over the past two years.
On the Move
2301 Yajome Street
Napa, CA 94558
Grant Amount: $120,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2009
Purpose of Grant: To design, support and conduct a collaborative process that leads to the establishment of the McPherson Neighborhood as a designated Democratic Zone.
On the Move
2301 Yajome Street
Napa, CA 94558
Grant Amount: $2,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow On the Move to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
On the Move
780 Lincoln Avenue
Napa, CA 94558
Grant Amount: $123,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010
Purpose of Grant: To allow On the Move to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Policy Consensus Initiative
National Policy Consensus Center
P.O. Box 1762
Portland, OR 97207
Grant Amount: $112,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To expand Policy Consensus Initiative’s collaborative governance training program to incorporate the Transitions Framework.
Policy Consensus Initiative
National Policy Consensus Center
P.O. Box 1762
Portland, OR 97207
Grant Amount: $3,500 (15 months))
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Policy Consensus Initiative to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Portland State University
International and Intercultural Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Graduate Program
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization
10301 NE Glisan Street
Portland, Oregon 97220
Grant Amount: $148,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To address historic tensions between African refugee groups displaced from two geographical regions – Somalia and the Great Lakes region of Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo – by facilitating dialogue about the participants’ common experiences of transition as refugees and imagining a new beginning in which the refugees are able to live and work together.
Portland State University
International and Intercultural Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Graduate Program
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Grant Amount: $298,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To continue a dialogue process designed to address historic tensions between African refugee groups displaced from the two geographical regions of Somalia and the Great Lakes region of Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo, to assess the relevant needs for the Liberian/Sierra Leonean Diaspora community and to create a manual for other communities interested in replicating the African Diaspora Dialogue Project.
Portland State University
International and Intercultural Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Graduate Program
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Grant Amount: $4,000 (15 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow Portland State University to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York
275 Seventh Avenue
Suite #1703
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $90,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010
Purpose of Grant: To support a process for developing a Restaurant Industry Roundtable, comprised of a group of restaurants that will serve as a model for worker-friendly businesses in the restaurant industry.
Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY)
275 Seventh Avenue
Suite #1703
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $4,000 (15 months)
Date Awarded: September 2009
Purpose of Grant: To retain a transition coach for help with developing a process to utilize the Transitions Framework to help reduce racial segregation and create a more equitable restaurant industry.
Search for Common Ground
1601 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20009
Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2003
Purpose of Grant: To assist leaders in Cincinnati resolve the standoff over economic issues (the boycott); help local media create space for common ground; engage the arts and youth communities; and strengthen the capacity of community organizations and the new Police Community Problem-Solving Center.
Search for Common Ground
1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2004
Purpose of Grant: To establish a pilot peer-to-peer consultant network for Community Reconciliation grantees to learn from each other about how to use the Transition Framework to confront challenges in their community reconciliation work.
Spalding Drive Charter Elementary School
130 West Spalding Drive
Atlanta, GA 30328-1999
Grant Amount: $3,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2005
Purpose of Grant: To allow the Spalding Drive Charter Elementary School, where Mary Lowman (former Andrus Family Fund's Board Member) worked for many years as a student counselor, to build/landscape a wishing well and garden in Mary's honor.
Union of Minority Neighborhoods
891 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Grant Amount: $84,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: April 2010
Purpose of Grant: To lay the groundwork for a truth and reconciliation process that will allow Boston residents to better understand and acknowledge the city’s history with regard to busing and school desegregation.
Union of Minority Neighborhoods
42 Seaverns Avenue
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Grant Amount: $31,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: January 2011
Purpose of Grant: To continue to lay the groundwork for a truth and reconciliation process that will allow Boston residents to better understand and acknowledge the city’s history with regard to busing and school desegregation.
University of Mississippi
William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
Grant Amount: $41,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: June 2008
Purpose of Grant: To organize stakeholders from across the state of Mississippi to create a declaration of intent and determine the scope and organizational home for the Mississippi Truth Project (which will lead to the Mississippi Truth and Reconciliation Commission) designed to examine the anti-civil rights violence and institutional racism from 1945 – 1975 as a way of better understanding and improving present and future realities for Mississippi residents.
University of Mississippi
William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
Grant Amount: $216,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To publicly announce the beginning of a truth and reconciliation process in Mississippi, to draft and publish a Mandate for the commission and to conduct a democratic selection process for those commissioners.
University of Mississippi
William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
Grant Amount: $3,000 (12 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Wing D, School of Medicine
CB #7240
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7240
Grant Amount: $97,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To gather baseline data from residents of Guilford County, North Carolina, before the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission begins taking public testimony in July 2004. Data from the proposed study will serve as a baseline to assess, in future research, whether attitudes on race, reconciliation, justice and social cohesion change over time as a result of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Wing D, School of Medicine
CB #7240
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7240
Grant Amount: $98,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2007
Purpose of Grant: To enable Dr. Sonis to conduct a follow-up study to determine whether attitudes towards reconciliation and social trust have changed in Greensboro, North Carolina as a result of the activities of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation Commission (GTRC).
University of Virginia
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
164 Rugby Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $150,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2004
Purpose of Grant: To fund the convening, consensus-building, and facilitation of one urban and one rural community-based collaborative effort in communities that are seeking to resolve natural resource management issues.
University of Virginia
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
164 Rugby Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $4,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2007
Purpose of Grant: To fund a graduate student for the fall 2007 semester and during the Christmas break to assist Frank Dukes, the Director of the Institute for Environmental Negotiation at the University of Virginia, to research and plan for a systematic and coordinated effort involving University administration and faculty and staff, alumni, community members, and students in defining how the University of Virginia community should examine and address the history and legacy of slavery and segregation.
University of Virginia
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
164 Rugby Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $68,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: To support the Institute for Environmental Negotiation in partnership with the Office of African-American Affairs and the Carter G. Woodson Institute for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Virginia, in convening and facilitating a systematic, coordinated effort involving University of Virginia students, administration and faculty and staff, alumni, and community members in defining how the University community can complete the transition from the divisive legacy of slavery and segregation to a community of shared understanding and purpose.
University of Virginia
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
164 Rugby Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $399,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009
Purpose of Grant: To continue supporting a collaborative process that will define how the University community can complete the transition from the divisive legacy of slavery and segregation to a community of shared understanding and purpose. An expanded representative leadership team from the University of Virginia and Charlottesville communities will lead this multi-pronged effort.
University of Virginia
Institute for Environmental Negotiation
164 Rugby Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Grant Amount: $5,400 (3 years)
Date Awarded: Julyy 2009
Purpose of Grant: To allow the Institute for Environmental Negotiation to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To engage a wide-range of stakeholders in New York's Chinatown community in a process in which they create a collective vision and action plan that promotes sustainable housing and economic development in Chinatown in the face of small business and residential displacement as a result of globalization and gentrification.
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV)
2473 Valentine Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Grant Amount: $145,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2005
Purpose of Grant: To: 1) develop a strong and articulated stakeholder of low-income residents that will be organized and informed, and will have the necessary experience and leadership to engage other community stakeholders in discussion, decision-making and action that will facilitate the sustainable and inclusive development of Chinatown; and 2) continue the process of engaging multiple stakeholders, particularly those that have not traditionally seen each other as allies or resources, in a broader process of community reconciliation that will enable the collective visioning for and the viable implementation of equitable and sustainable development of a diverse and inclusive Chinatown.
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV)
2473 Valentine Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458
Grant Amount: $35,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2007
Purpose of Grant: To support the planning process for the next phase of the Sustainable Chinatown Project to carry out a multi-stakeholder engagement process convened and facilitated by Urban Justice Center and CAAAV (including member leaders of the Chinatown Tenant Union) with the goal of creating a community (broadly defined) vision and plan that will have a significant and concrete impact on promoting equitable and sustainable development in Chinatown.
Urban Justice Center
Peter Cicchino Youth Project
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Fabulous, Independent, Educated Radicals for Community Empowerment! (FIERCE!)
147 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Grant Amount: $60,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2006
Purpose of Grant: To engage LGBTQ youth, residents, merchants and police in the West Village community in a process in which they begin to collaboratively reframe the definition of the West Village Community so that it includes LGBTQ youth, and builds a sense of common interest in a safe West Village among all stakeholders.
Urban Justice Center
Peter Cicchino Youth Project
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Fabulous, Independent, Educated Radicals for Community Empowerment! (FIERCE!)
147 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2007
Purpose of Grant: To engage GLBTQ youth, residents, merchants and police in the West Village community in a process in which they begin to collaboratively reframe the definition of the West Village Community so that it includes GLBTQ youth, and builds a sense of common interest in a safe West Village among all stakeholders.
Urban Justice Center
Peter Cicchino Youth Project
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Grant Amount: $74,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: In collaboration with the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence (CAAAV), to support a collaborative process among Chinatown and Lower East Side residents and other stakeholders for the purpose of (1) developing a comprehensive, long term community vision for the use and space of the East River Waterfront; and (2) creating a comprehensive community-led and oriented business plan to implement that vision.
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Grant Amount: $32,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To build dialogue between the various stakeholders in the West Village in an effort to deepen trust, mutual respect, understanding and a willingness to collaborate among community members. By forming partnerships within the community, the goal of the West Village Community Reconciliation Project is to create a community where all stakeholders, including LGBTQ youth and residents, feel safe and welcome and are working together towards a common goal.
Urban Justice Center
123 William Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Grant Amount: $30,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To provide technical assistance in the form of a consultant with expertise in financial analysis and large scale development to help UJC and CAAAV in their community visioning and planning initiative for the space on the East Waterfront.
The Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
3458 Reading Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Grant Amount: $194,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2007
Purpose of Grant: To build the capacity of “The Friends of the (Cincinnati) Collaborative (“Friends”) to continue to listen to and work with the African-American community, police and other stakeholder groups of the Cincinnati community. The Friends will educate the community in what was accomplished since the Collaborative Agreement was signed in 2001. They will discuss the challenges, paradigm shift to community police problem solving, and facilitate a process of widespread engagement, across all stakeholder groups, in which the community’s citizens understand, expect, and cooperate with this new method of partnering with the police to continue.
The Urban League of Greater Cincinnati
3458 Reading Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45229
Grant Amount: $21,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To hire a part-time community consultant who will build the capacity of “The Friends of the (Cincinnati) Collaborative” (“Friends”) to continue to listen to and work with the African-American community, police and other stakeholder groups of the Cincinnati community as they continue to implement the Collaborative Agreement.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Cincinnati Collective Learning Center
2938 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Grant Amount: $50,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: April 2004
Purpose of Grant: To fund a 6-month personal transformation and leadership development process in which Cincinnati youth will be taught how to plan, advocate and access resources to change their relationship with local adults and become prepared to lead an effort to bring together two fractured communities.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Cincinnati Collective Learning Center
2938 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Grant Amount: $45,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: January 2005
Purpose of Grant: To: (1) train the current Core Group of Youth "Multipliers" (recruited and trained with our prior grant) to recruit and train an additional 10-12 youth using a Transition-enhanced youth development curriculum; (2) to create a Youth Board that will conduct a needs assessment of the youth in the Over-the-Rhine and Madisonville neighborhoods as related to police-community relations; and (3) to work with a consultant to devise a strategy to bring the police into the process and establish a youth-police partnership that will facilitate a process in which the two stakeholding groups will work together to improve their relationship.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $214,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005
Purpose of Grant: To assist grantees in applying the Transitions Framework in their work by: (1) providing a Transitions Coach for training and Transitions-related program development assistance, and (2) connecting them to the growing base of knowledge being generated by our past and present grantees.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $40,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2006
Purpose of Grant: To fund the travel and lodging costs that will enable academics and AFF grantees to participate in a conference hosted by Vanderbilt University in April 2007 on sources of resistance to apology, forgiveness, and reconciliation in inter-group conflicts. The conference will include explicit discussions the Transitions Framework and also feature a dialogue between AFF-funded practitioners and the scholars in attendance.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $217,800 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2006
Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees become more effective at applying the Transition Framework by delivering training and coaching.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $190,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2007
Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees maximize the benefits to their programs from applying the Transition Framework by providing consistent, high quality training, consulting and coaching; and to help the entire AFF – board, staff, consultants, grantees, and learning partners – learn how to more effectively “hard wire” the Framework into existing programs so that the benefits will be sustainable in the long run.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $211,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2008
Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees maximize the benefits of applying the Transition Framework by providing consistent, high quality training, consulting and coaching; and to help the entire AFF - board, staff, consultants, grantees, and learning partners-capture and share what we are learning on how to apply the Framework and how to sustain the change of using the Framework for the long run.
Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $61,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009
Purpose of Grant: To supplement Vanderbilt’s present grant so that they may provide additional coaching time to AFF grantees.
Vera Institute of Justice
233 Broadway, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10279
Grant Amount: $30,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2002
Purpose of Grant: To fund: (1) the publication and distribution of 10,000 educational booklets containing the entire text of the Collaborative Agreement and a summary of it to Cincinnati community members; and (2) the design of a media strategy to help ensure thorough and accurate coverage of the Cincinnati collaborative process.
Vital Visions, Inc.
140 E. Division Road
Suite A-6
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Grant Amount: $100,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2006
Purpose of Grant: To create a new study guide for a film that Vital Visions created (which was screened on Public Television) called, “Theologians Under Hitler,” utilizing a CCA process that engages a small nationally recognized group of leaders from across the political/theological spectrum (left/right, Jews, Christians, Christian conservatives/liberals, etc.).
Vital Visions, Inc.
140 E. Division Road
Suite A-6
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Grant Amount: $105,250 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2007
Purpose of Grant: To build upon a CCA process that engaged a small, nationally recognized group of leaders from across the political/theological spectrum by initiating a second CCA process that would re-engage these leaders - together with leaders from various areas of theological education - to create ways to translate the ideas and values contained in the study guide associated with the film “Theologians Under Hitler” into teachable curricula.
West Anniston Foundation
1700 W 10th Street
Anniston, AL 36201
Grant Amount: $30,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: April 2008
Purpose of Grant: To transfer both responsibility for the ARCH Initiative (Anniston Reconnecting: a Catalyst for Healing) and AFF’s remaining grant funds from the Tolbert Healthcare Project to a local Anniston Steering Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) and allow the Board to build its own capacity, hire staff and create a community-driven vision and plan for the ARCH Initiative.
West Anniston Medical Clinic, Inc.
(Tolbert Healthcare Project)
Two North 20th Street
Suite 1200
Birmingham, AL 35203
Grant Amount: $170,250 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2007
Purpose of Grant: The Tolbert Healthcare Project (“THP”), the Alabama Civil Justice Foundation (“ACJF”), and the Community Foundation of Calhoun County (“CFCC”) seek funding from AFF to utilize the Collaborative Change Approach (CCA) to reconnect Anniston, Alabama, in and through the development of a youth-based initiative. Through the development of Anniston Reconnecting – a Catalyst for Healing (“ARCH”), a community reconciliation strategy focused on collectively developing a sustainable youth initiative, will be formulated, planned and implemented over a period of three years. This proposal focuses on year one of the ARCH Initiative.
West Anniston Medical Clinic, Inc.
(Tolbert Healthcare Project)
Two North 20th Street
Suite 1200
Birmingham, AL 35203
Grant Amount: $7,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To cover additional travel for both a Collaborative Change Approach and Transition coach.
Working Films
602 South Fifth Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28401
Grant Amount: $81,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
Purpose of Grant: With local partners, to organize “film conferences” based on the theme of community reconciliation and justice and to partner with film-maker
Adam Zucker to devise a national outreach strategy for his film about the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project (a recipient of numerous AFF grants).
The Working Group
1611 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 84612
Grant Amount: $100,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003
Purpose of Grant: To complete the third installment of the PBS television series, "Not in Our Town: The Kalispell Story," and initiate a series of facilitated screenings in Kalispell, both of which will use the film and the Bridges' Transition framework to help this rapidly changing community through the Endings phase of the model.
The Working Group
1611 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 84612
Grant Amount: $35,000 (4 months)
Date Awarded: September 2004
Purpose of Grant: To initiate a series of facilitated screenings in Kalispell, Montana of the PBS television documentary series, "Not in Our Town: The Fire Next Time, The Kalispell Story," which will use the film and the Bridges' Transition framework to help this rapidly changing community through the Endings phase of the model.
The Working Group
1611 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 84612
Grant Amount: $16,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2006
Purpose of Grant: To create a Transitions curriculum that could be used as a companion tool to the film, The Fire Next Time.
The Working Group
1611 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 84612
Grant Amount: $19,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2006
Purpose of Grant: To record/film "teachable moments" from workshop sessions at the Joint Grantee Conference in August, including interactions between Bill Bridges and grantees.
The Working Group
1611 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA 84612
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007
Purpose of Grant: To produce a short film (30 minutes) that would feature the Constructing Circles of Peace Program (CCP) in Nogales, AZ, and that would: (1) introduce CCP to other communities and potential funders as an alternative solution to traditional justice system methods for dealing with intimate violence; illustrate the use of the Transition lens in the CCP process; and present the CCP story and ideas to prospective participants, counselors and law enforcement as an orientation tool to the process.
York College of Pennsylvania
Schmidt Library, Room 3
York, PA 17405-7199
Grant Amount: $35,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2003
Purpose of Grant: To develop a community action plan around issues of community development, education, and economic development. AFF support is sought to assure that the planning process: (1) keeps race-related issues central to deliberations and planning; (2) capitalizes on existing interest and momentum; and (3) builds local capacity to facilitate outreach to the broad community and support engagement in reflective practice.