















Adoption and Foster Care Mentoring
727 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA  02111
Grant Amount $35,000 (5 months)
Date Awarded:  April 2011

Purpose of Grant: To help AFC Mentoring plan for the incorporation of the Transition Framework into current and future mentoring programs for youth in foster care.


Adoption and Foster Care Mentoring
727 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA  02111
Grant Amount $205,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To provide youth in foster care, including those who are LGBT, with a strong support system and committed mentoring connections as they work through difficult transitions.


A Home Within
2500 18th Street
San Francisco, CA  94110
Grant Amount: $45,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To fund one-year set-up support of five local chapters of the Children's Psychotherapy Project (CPP) and CPP's first national convention.


A Home Within
2500 18th Street
San Francisco, CA  94110
Grant Amount $150,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: April 2004

Purpose of Grant: To create a new project to train and support mentors employed by large corporations to help young people who are leaving foster care to prepare for success in the world of work.


A Home Within
2500 18th Street
San Francisco, CA  94110
Grant Amount $106,240 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant: To build a transition-based model for parent education and preservation and/or reunification of teen parents and their young children in foster care.


A Home Within
2500 18th Street
San Francisco, CA  94110
Grant Amount $49,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To translate and culturally tune the Fostering Transitions cards, curriculum and website for Spanish-speaking and LGBTQ audiences.


400 Oyster Point Boulevard
Suite 501
South San Francisco, CA  94080
Grant Amount $177,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To fully integrate and implement the Transition Framework into the agency’s work with teens in care and with recently emancipated teens.


400 Oyster Point Boulevard
Suite 501
South San Francisco, CA  94080
Grant Amount $12,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded:  April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To host a mini-conference for AFF’s foster care to independence grantees on the west coast for the purpose of advancing opportunities for shared learning.


400 Oyster Point Boulevard
Suite 501
South San Francisco, CA  94080
Grant Amount $6,000 (21 months)
Date Awarded:  July 2009

Purpose of Grant: To allow Aspiranet to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


400 Oyster Point Boulevard
Suite 501
South San Francisco, CA  94080
Grant Amount $197,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To expand the use of the Transition Framework beyond the six Central Valley locations which used the framework during the last grant period.


The Attic Youth Center
255 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, PA  19102
Grant Amount $5,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded:  September 2009

Purpose of Grant: To allow the Attic Youth Center to retain a transition coach for the purpose of incorporating the Transitions Framework into a training program for foster parents related to LGBTQ issues.


The Attic Youth Center
255 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, PA  19102
Grant Amount $157,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  January 2011

Purpose of Grant: To train foster parents and child welfare professionals on the Transition Framework with the goal of participants using the Framework to understand and support LGBTQ youth in foster care and as they transition to independence.


Baltimore Community Foundation
John Griffith Memorial Fund
2 East Read Street, 9th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008
 Purpose of Grant:   John Griffith was the husband of AFF Board Member Liz Wilson and son of Dr. Lawrence and Anne Griffith. He grew up in Maryland and graduated from Friends School of Baltimore and Haverford College. He obtained a master's from UCLA School of Public Health.   He earned a medical degree from Case Western University and did his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at University Hospitals of Cleveland. Following group practice in Ohio, he joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions where he established the Fibroid Center.

John was a highly regarded medical doctor who was most honored by awards which priced his compassionate care of patients and his teaching and mentorship of residents. What John treasured most was using his immense talents and huge heart to help people and make a positive difference in their lives.  Liz Wilson has established a Fund to help support in others the same passion for learning, teaching, and giving.   This grant will support this Fund.


Baltimore’s Safe and Sound Campaign
2 East Read Street, 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD  21201
Grant Amount: $96,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2011
Purpose of Grant:   To fully integrate the Transition Framework into the Campaign’s effort to engage foster care youth in creating and living in an Opportunity Neighborhood that enables safe, healthy and productive growth into adulthood.

Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth
13640 Route 22
Canaan, NY 12029-9711
Grant Amount: $33,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2001

Purpose of Grant: To fund the planning stage of a potential collaboration between the Andrus Family Fund and Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth, using the "Action Evaluation Process" to develop a shared agenda about how to effect change for foster youth transitioning to independence.


Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth
13640 Route 22
Canaan, NY 12029-9711
Grant Amount: $300,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the Andrus Enrichment Program, which will provide young men participating in Berkshire's Educational/Vocational Academy for Preparation to Adult Living (the Academy) access to various enrichment activities, including mentoring, development of career skills, preparation and support for post-secondary education, and internships as they go through the process of transitioning from foster care to independence.


Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth
13640 Route 22
Canaan, NY 12029-9711
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To fund a "Transition Retreat" for Berkshire Farm staff and stakeholders that will launch the agency's plans to systematically bring Bridges' Transition framework to more programs and to eventually reach all youth and staff members at the agency. This grant will allow the agency to bring Bill Bridges to the retreat.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City
223 East 30th Street
New York, NY  10016
Grant Amount: $10,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To plan for the incorporation of the Transition Framework into Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City’s current foster care mentoring program.


Black Ensemble Theater
4520 North Beacon Street
Chicago, IL 60640
Grant Amount: $50,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2002

Purpose of Grant: To support, strengthen, and document the results of the Black Ensemble Theater's New Directions Project, a ten-year old theater arts program designed to assist young people as they age out of the foster care system and transition into adult life.


Black Ensemble Theater
4520 North Beacon Street
Chicago, IL 60640
Grant Amount: $80,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: April 2004

Purpose of Grant: To provide continued support and strength to the Black Ensemble Theater's New Directions Project as they more deeply observe and assess the impact of the transition framework on the youth that they serve.


The Buckeye Ranch
5665 Hoover Road
Grove, OH 43123
Grant Amount: $150,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To test the impact of incorporating the Transition framework for foster youth with special needs participating in an Equestrian Therapy Program.


Carolina Youth Development Center
5055 Lackawanna Boulevard
Charleston, SC  29405
Grant Amount: $3,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To allow Carolina Youth Development Center to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC)
5055 Lackawanna Boulevard
North Charleston, SC  29405
Grant Amount: $285,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009

Purpose of Grant: To integrate the Transitions Framework into all components of Carolina Youth Development Center’s system of care.


Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC)
5055 Lackawanna Boulevard
North Charleston, SC  29405
Grant Amount: $6,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: July 2009

Purpose of Grant: To allow CYDC to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC)
5055 Lackawanna Boulevard
North Charleston, SC  29405
Grant Amount: $207,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2011

Purpose of Grant: To continue integrating the Transition Framework more deeply into programs at the Carolina Youth Development Center.


Carolina Youth Development Center
5055 Lackawanna Boulevard
Charleston, SC  29405
Grant Amount: $82,000 (8 months)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: To allow Carolina Youth Development Center and One Economy Corporation (see separate grant description) to propose an innovative pilot to bring technology access, training and resources to foster youth as they exit foster care into independence.


Casa Valentina
2990 SW 35th Avenue
Miami, FL  33133
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the Transition Framework into current and future programs; to train all staff, board, volunteers and clients in the framework; and to create a position for a Transitions and After-Care Counselor to provide intensive support to clients during times of change.


Casa Valentina
2990 SW 35th Avenue
Miami, FL  33133
Grant Amount: $90,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: To further incorporate and expand the Transition Framework into current and future programs; to train all staff, board, volunteers and clients in the framework; and to replicate Successful Transitions across all services, including newly added programs for young men and young mothers aging out of foster care.


Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
7315 Hanover Parkway, Suite C
Greenbelt, MD  20770
Grant Amount: $147,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: June 2007

Purpose of Grant:  To underwrite the costs of the Seventh Annual Learning Exchange of AFF Grantees, which will take place in the summer/fall of 2008.  The conference will be coordinated and administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.


Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
7315 Hanover Parkway, Suite C
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Grant Amount: $195,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2011

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs of the Eighth Annual Learning Exchange of AFF Grantees, which will take place in the summer of 2011. The conference will be coordinated and administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.


Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
7315 Hanover Parkway, Suite C
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Grant Amount: $41,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the costs for room, board and travel for an additional 20-25 participants to attend the Eighth Annual Learning Exchange of AFF Grantees, which took place on August 21-23, 2011 in Detroit, Michigan.  The conference was coordinated and administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution.


Child Welfare League of America
440 First Street, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Grant Amount: $125,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To fund a substantial amount of the corpus of an endowment at CWLA in honor of AFF Board member, Mary Lowman, the yearly interest of which will support a $7,500 summer internship for a graduate student who will work with CWLA on issues affecting GLBTQ youth.


Child Welfare League of America
440 First Street, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20001


Consensus Organizing Center
San Diego State University
275 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 102
San Diego, CA 92105
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: The purpose of the grant is to enable the Consensus Organizing Center to support the Foster Youth Initiative alumni, specifically, the Second Cohort now in college.


Lambda Legal Defense and Education
Fund, Inc.
120 Wall Street Suite 1500
New York, NY 10005-3904

Grant Amount: Child Welfare League of America
$280,000 (3 years)

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
$155,000 (3 years)

Date Awarded: September 2004

Purpose of Grant: To initiate a transition that results in an increased capacity on the part of the child welfare system nationwide to deal equitably and constructively with young people, family members, and employees who are LGBTQ, with the ultimate goal of providing better preparation and support to both LGBTQ young people and their communities as they transition from foster care to independence and from adolescence to healthy adulthood.


Child Welfare League of America
440 First Street, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20001


Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
120 Wall Street Suite 1500
New York, NY 10005-3904

Grant Amount: Child Welfare League of America - $50,000 (2 years)
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. - $50,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2005

Purpose of Grant: To secure the implementation of several vital components of CWLA     and LAMBDA's Fostering Transitions Initiative.


Child Welfare League of America
440 First Street, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20001
Grant Amount: $41,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2006

Purpose of Grant: To offset the travel, hotel and food expenses for CWLA's Best Practices Conference Pre-conference Institute for Advisory Network members of the CWLA/Lambda (Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.) Joint Initiative to Support LGBTQ Youth and Adults Involved with the Child Welfare System.


Children's Resource Network
710 Chicago Drive
Suite 250
Holland, MI 49423-3000
Grant Amount: $200,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: April 2004

Purpose of Grant: To support the development of a public-private partnership in Michigan state to implement a rigorous academic and on-site residential and off-site sailing program for youth transitioning out of Michigan's foster care system.


Children's Village
Echo Hills
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grant Amount: $79,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To develop a pilot program in which the Transition Framework (TF) would be incorporated into Children's Village's WAY Program.


Children's Village
Echo Hills
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grant Amount: $105,400 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2006

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) continue the Collins Cottage Transition Project begun in January 2005 and (2) launch an expansion of this work through Children's Village's new Career Academy, which also targets older youth who are nearing discharge from care.


Children's Village
Echo Hills
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grant Amount: $109,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2007

Purpose of Grant: To continue both the cottage Transition Project and the Transitions work through Children’s Village’s Career Academy.  Both target older youth who are nearing discharge from care.


Children's Village
Echo Hills
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Grant Amount: $145,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2008

Purpose of Grant: To continue the WAY Transitions Program and to expand the use of the TF into work with youth discharged into the community as well as in the foster care department, the supported independent living programs and mentoring program.


Community College Foundation
14156 Magnolia Boulevard, #101
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Grant Amount: $110,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2002

Purpose of Grant: To support the rollout of a pilot Campus Peer Mentoring project designed to complement the Community College Foundation's college-based independent living skills classes. The Campus Peer Mentoring project will provide academic tutoring, mentoring and psychological support to foster youth, 16 to 21 years of age, as they transition from the foster care system to the higher education community.


Community Health and Counseling Services/
Experience at Sea
42 Cedar Street
Banfor, ME 04401
Grant Amount: $98,000 (2 years)

Purpose of Grant: To help fund general operating expenses and support program evaluation for the Experience at Sea program - a residential transition program for youth aging out of the foster are system in Maine.


Community Resources for Justice
355 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Grant Amount: $7,500 (6 months)
Date Awarded: June 2005

Purpose of Grant: To allow Community Resources for Justice (CRJ) to engage Transition coach, Ken Downes, to facilitate a Transition training and exploration that would help CRJ plan and assess the framework's application in the agency's independent living programs. This planning grant may lead to a full proposal.


Community Resources for Justice
355 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Grant Amount: $200,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  September 2006

Purpose of Grant: To allow Community Resources for Justice to more intentionally integrate the Transition Framework into all of its youth programs.


Community Resources for Justice
355 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Grant Amount: $160,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  September 2008

Purpose of Grant: To add more intensive services for families – including training in the TF – as a way of better facilitating residents’ transition back into the community.  Additionally, to facilitate four 12-week sessions of another AFF grantee, Youth Advocacy Center’s, Getting Beyond the System curriculum.

Concern of Durham
3001 Academy Road, Suite 230
Durham, NC  27707
Grant Amount: $160,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2006

Purpose of Grant: To enable Concern of Durham to incorporate the Transition Framework into their foster care group homes and the programming for their newly launched Independent Living Life Skills Center.


Consensus Organizing Center
San Diego State University
275 El Cajon Blvd., Suite 102
San Diego, CA 92105
Grant Amount: $165,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant: The goal of the Alex Smith Foundation San Diego State University Guardian Scholars Program is to recruit, educate, and empower high school foster youth to be community builders and advocates for social change and to prepare them for independence and college.


The Door
121 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
Grant Amount: $150,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite a holistic counseling and support program for young people aging out of the foster care system that combines expressive therapies (e.g. art, music, drama) with mentoring.


Double Discovery Center
Columbia University
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Grant Amount: $145,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2002

Purpose of Grant: To fund the expansion of the Double Discovery Center's education program to provide educational opportunities and services to New York City foster youth in grades 7 through 12, and who have dropped out of high school.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $80,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011

Purpose of Grant: To engage the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission, the Office of Child and Family Services, Tribal governments, Maine governments and Tribal communities in supporting and engaging in the next phase of the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $112,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011

Purpose of Grant: To engage training and technical assistance to establish sustainable Healing Circles for each of the five Maine Tribal communities who wish to participate, specifically for the purpose of supporting community members during the truth commission process.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $65,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2003

Purpose of Grant: To develop and pilot an enhanced training curriculum for foster youth, mentors and staff that will incorporate Bridges' Transition Model and include interventions that mentors, and staff that will incorporate Bridges' Transition Model and include interventions that mentors, staff and foster youth themselves can use to help foster youth navigate through the three (3) stages of Transition.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $90,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) enhance and deliver the mentor training developed over the past year that incorporates the Transition Framework; (2) develop an exportable, experiential-based training for youth that teaches the Transition Framework; (3) create a program development and operations manual (incorporating the Transition Framework) that will assist other communities/agencies in developing their own mentoring programs for youth in foster care; (4) utilize the Transition Framework and an AFF Consultant to inform and assist the transition of the Mentoring Project from a university-based to a community-based setting.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $146,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: June 2006

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) enhance the use and application of the Transition Framework within the Muskie School's Youth Development Unit; (2) expand the understanding, use and application of the Transition Framework by other mentoring and community-based group and residential service providers; (3) train and support youth as trainers to build the capacity of care providers to better assist youth in transition.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $90,500 (10 months)
Date Awarded: April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To engage Maine Tribal communities in planning the next phase of the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project focused on Penobscot Nation.


Edmund Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
29 Baxter Boulevard
Portland, ME 04104
Grant Amount: $115,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010

Purpose of Grant: To engage the Maine Office of Child and Family Services, Tribal governments, Maine governments and Tribal communities in supporting and engaging in the next phase of the Maine Tribal-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Project.


Educate Tomorrow, Corp.
1717 N. Bayshore Drive, Suite 203
Miami, FL  33132 
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011

Purpose of Grant: To (1) add a transition coordinator position to the staff, (2) to add an additional program coordinator and (3) to facilitate an inter-agency task force devoted to incorporating the Transition Framework into Miami-area foster-youth-serving organizations.


Educate Tomorrow, Corp.
1717 N. Bayshore Drive, Suite 203
Miami, FL  33132 
Grant Amount: $45,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To design, establish and begin the execution of a plan to incorporate the Transition Framework into every aspect of the Educate Tomorrow program.


Educate Tomorrow, Corp.
1717 N. Bayshore Drive, Suite 203
Miami, FL  33132 
Grant Amount: $45,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010

Purpose of Grant: To continue and improve upon the incorporation of the Transition Framework into every aspect of the Educate Tomorrow program as well as to create a plan of implementation of the Transition Framework into Educate Tomorrow’s Preparatory Academy.


Educate Tomorrow, Corp.
1717 N. Bayshore Drive, Suite 203
Miami, FL  33132 
Grant Amount: $25,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: To replace the funds that Educate Tomorrow was awarded in fiscal year 2011 pursuant to winning a Miami Dade County Community Based Organization grant, which funds (after a County Mayor was successfully recalled) were subsequently not disbursed by the county.

Edwin Gould Academy
55-65 East 110th Street
New York, NY 10029-3106
Grant Amount: $169,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2007

Purpose of Grant: To develop “The Transition to Adulthood Program” at the Edwin Gould Residence.


Edwin Gould Academy
55-65 East 110th Street
New York, NY 10029-3106
Grant Amount: $92,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010

Purpose of Grant: To further strengthen and expand the “Transition to Adulthood Program.”


Family Alternatives
1089 SE 10th Avenue
Minneapolis, MN  55414
Grant Amount:  $419,000
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant:  To incorporate the Transition Framework into Family Alternatives’ model of youth empowerment, addressing their trauma and loss and emphasizing the primacy of relationships.


Federation Employment and Youth Services
315 Hudson Street
New York, NY  10013
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To support the Academy program which helps youth aging out of foster care to prepare for their futures.


Federation Employment and Youth Services
315 Hudson Street
New York, NY  10013
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: To support the Academy program which helps youth aging out of foster care to prepare for their futures.


First Concern, Inc.
720 King Georges Post Road
Fords, NJ 08863
Grant Amount: $42,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2002

Purpose of Grant: To provide additional support to First Concern's independent living program.


First Concern, Inc.
720 King Georges Post Road
Fords, NJ 08863
Grant Amount: $10,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2002

Purpose of Grant: To fund the production of a moral and character development video by First Concern youth.


First Concern, Inc.
720 King Georges Post Road
Fords, NJ 08863
Grant Amount: $118,750 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant:  To create, implement and integrate the Emancipation Conference model into First Concern's array of intervention strategies for aging out foster youth.


First Place for Youth
519 17th Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA  94612
Grant Amount: $210,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2011

Purpose of Grant:  Through adding new in-house trainers and emerging leaders/youth, this grant will ensure long-term sustainability of the organization’s use of the Transition Framework.

First Place for Youth
519 17th Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA  94612
Grant Amount: $200,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2009

Purpose of Grant:  To integrate the transition framework into all aspects of First Place for Youth’s expanding program.


First Place for Youth
519 17th Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA  94612
Grant Amount: $45,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2009

Purpose of Grant:  To hire the Youth Advocacy Center to create workshops and materials for staff and youth that integrate the Transition Framework with critical thinking and specific life skills content areas.


First Place for Youth
519 17th Street, Suite 600
Oakland, CA  94612
Grant Amount: $5,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009

Purpose of Grant:  To allow First Place for Youth to engage a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


Forestdale, Inc.
67-35 112th Street
Forest Hills, NY  11375
Grant Amount: $94,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant:  “Prepare to Launch” will equip youth in foster care and their parent, as well as social workers, with insight into the Transition Framework through training and the arts.


Foster Care Alumni of America
118 S Royal Street, 2nd Floor
Alexandria VA  22314
Grant Amount: $125,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008

Purpose of Grant:  To develop A Handbook for Life After Foster Care and a training curriculum to offer youth exiting from the foster care system.


Foster Care Alumni of America
118 S Royal Street, 2nd Floor
Alexandria VA  22314
Grant Amount: $3,000 (9 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009

Purpose of Grant:  To allow FCAA to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


Foster Pride
41 Boulevard
Pelham, NY  10803


Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services, Inc. (GLASS)
650 N. Robertson Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA  90069
Grant Amount:  $141,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded:  September 2005

Purpose of Grant:  To develop the GLASS Mentoring Program for foster youth, including GLBTQ youth.


Foster Pride
41 Boulevard
Pelham, NY  10803


Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001

Grant Amount:  $56,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant:  To develop a visual literacy-based curriculum explicitly based upon the Transition Framework that will consist of active and interactive activities exploring transitions through guided discussion about works of art and art-making activities.


Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services, Inc. (GLASS)
650 N. Robertson Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA  90069
Grant Amount:  $150,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded:  January 2007

Purpose of Grant:  To expand the GLASS Mentoring Program for foster youth, including GLBTQ youth.


Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Grant Amount: $34,000 (one year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the Transition Framework into Foster Pride’s Teen Mentoring “Express Yourself” art program.


Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $25,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2002

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the cost of the meeting of Foster Care to Independence grantees on May 18-19, 2002. The seminar will be facilitated by Diane Robbins and Vicki Wallen of D.B.R. Consulting, and will bring current and prospective grantees together to share their experiences and lessons from their work with the transitions framework.


Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $180,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2001

Purpose of Grant: To develop and implement the Andrus Enrichment Program for the young women in Good Shepherd's two long-term residences and Supervised Independent Living Program, which will both provide increased resources to facilitate the transition to independent living and simultaneously educate all key stakeholders about William Bridges' Transition framework.


Good Shepherd Services
305 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $161,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2003

Purpose of Grant: To build on Good Shepherd's successful efforts during Phase I of the Andrus Enrichment Program by expanding this initiative into the Adolescent Unit of Good Shepherd's Foster Boarding Home Program.


Green Chimneys Children's Services
456 West 145th Street Suite 1
New York, NY 10031
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2002

Purpose of Grant: To further develop the Triangle Tribe Mentoring Program, a one-on-one mentoring model that matches GLBTQ youth in foster care with GLBT and affirming adults from the community.


Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department
Government Center
300 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Grant Amount: $450,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: June 2008

Purpose of Grant: To develop and implement the Transitions curriculum for use, initially, with approximately 150 older adolescents, over the course of three years, who are transitioning from Hennepin County’s foster care system to independent living and adulthood.  The project will offer youth – both those who are aging out of foster care and those who had left the system, became homeless and wanted to re-engage – a bridge to learn self-determination and self-responsibility by trial and error while they are still connected to a safety net and getting emotional, housing and other practical support to manage this difficult transition in their lives.  By year three, a TF curriculum will also be offered to the youths’ circle of support (caretakers, life coaches, social workers, foster care parents, etc.).


Independent Living Resource Center
c/o Hunter College
School of Social Work
129 East 79th Street
New York, NY
Grant Amount: $5,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To provide transition training and technical assistance to the Andrus Family Fund's foster care to independence grantees.


Independent Living Resource Center
c/o Hunter College
School of Social Work
129 East 79th Street
New York, NY
Grant Amount: $178,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To create a digital lab that would enable the Independent Living Resource Center to incorporate a digital story component and guidebook into "Walking the Path - Managing Transitions," a curriculum used in an 8-week class for foster youth aging out of the child welfare system.


Innovative Services, NW
10401 NE Fourth Plain Road
Suite 101
Vancouver, Washington  98662
Grant Amount: $195,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2006

Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the Transition Framework into Innovative Services’ curriculum, Pathways to Independence, a 12-week series of workshops designed to build self-esteem; explore personal, educational and vocational alternatives; and prepare youth for the world of work and independent living.


Innovative Services, NW
10401 NE Fourth Plain Road
Suite 101
Vancouver, Washington  98662
Grant Amount: $300,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2008

Purpose of Grant:  To continue to refine the Pathways to Independence curriculum and expand the use of peer mentors, to incorporate the curriculum into the state-mandated Independent Living Skills (ILS) locally and statewide, and to expand the ages of youth served with the curriculum.


Innovative Services, NW
10401 NE Fourth Plain Road
Suite 101
Vancouver, Washington  98662
Grant Amount: $5,000 (27 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009

Purpose of Grant:  To allow Innovative Services to hire a transition coach to continue supporting its efforts.


Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2001

Purpose of Grant: To develop and implement the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots & Shoots program in three organizations that are working with youth who are making the transition from foster care to independence.


Jane Goodall Institute
P.O. Box 14890
Silver Spring, MD 20911
Grant Amount: $94,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2002

Purpose of Grant: To expand the Roots & Shoots "Lessons for Hope" project by introducing it to 7 - 10 new sites.


Juvenile Law Center
1315 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2001

Purpose of Grant: To support two JLC publications, one for distribution in Pennsylvania and one for national distribution, that will assist judges, law guardians and child welfare agency attorneys to ensure that youth transitioning out of foster care receive appropriate services to prepare them for independence.


L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center
The Village at Ed Gould Plaza
1125 N. McCadden Place
 Los Angeles, CA  90038
Grant Amount: $81,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2011

Purpose of Grant: To identify foster youth who would benefit from peer, group and one-on-one mentoring, and provide them with leadership development and life skills needed to transition from systematic reliance to independent living.

Larkin Street Youth Services
1044 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Grant Amount: $100,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2003

Purpose of Grant: To enable Larkin Street to sustain and enhance the Pathways to Independence Program by allowing it to: strengthen and expand critical services; offer specialized training for staff working with homeless youth who are aging out of the foster care system; and evaluate and disseminate knowledge about the practical application of transition management theory.


Lawyers for Children
110 Lafayett Street
New York, NY 10013
Grant Amount: $16,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2001

Purpose of Grant: To support the cost of translating into Spanish and printing in English and Spanish the first 15,000 copies of a newly created rights manual and resource guide for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth in foster care ("GLBTQ Foster Care Handbook").


Local Initiatives Support Corporation
501 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY  10018
Grant Amount: $91,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To continue incorporating the Transition Framework into the Independence Starts at Home program.


Local Initiatives Support Corporation – New York City
501 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY  10018
Grant Amount: $86,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009

Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the Transition Framework into the Independence Starts at Home program.


The Mockingbird Society
2100 24th Avenue South, Suite 240
Seattle, WA  98144 
Grant Amount: 100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To continue incorporating the Transition Framework into the Mockingbird Youth Network curriculum.


Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence
22 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ  07042
Grant Amount: $ 35,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009

Purpose of Grant: To expand the resources available on the Transitions Knowledge Bank, including a series of short Transition films.


New Lens
(formerly Kids on the Hill)
2117 Brookfield Avenue
Baltimore, MD  21217
Grant Amount: $20,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2008

Purpose of Grant: To support youth at Kids on the Hill (KOH) during the first phase of production of a video that gives young people in The Next Level (TNL) at St. Vincent’s Services (SVS) a chance to reflect and tell their personal stories of life changes through the lens of the Transitions Framework.  The video will serve as an important teaching tool for others interested in learning about the TF.


New Transitions, Inc.
698 Cheyanne Boulevard
Madison, TN  37115-4288
Grant Amount:  $88,000
Date Awarded:  September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To allow New Transitions to:  (1) expand the number of aged-out foster youth served in the new program that provides housing in an intentional community; (2) use the Transitions Framework as a primary building block or its supportive services; and (3) provide Transitions Coaches for each Circle of youth.


New Yorkers for Children
450 Seventh Avenue
Suite 403
New York, NY  10123

Administration for Children's Services
Central Mentoring Office
150 William Street, Room 15F4
New York, NY 10038
Grant Amount: $96,200 (3 years)
Date Awarded: April 2006

Purpose of Grant: To enable the Central Mentoring Office of the Administration for Children's Services (ACS) to incorporate Transitions into their mentoring program, and pilot the Transitions-enhanced mentoring program within four ACS agency-related mentoring programs.


The Oasis Center
1704 Charlotte Pike, Suite 200
Nashville, TN  37203
Grant Amount: $195,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2007

Purpose of Grant: To incorporate the Transition Framework into the Tennessee Youth Advisory Council’s activities designed to increase and improve coping and decision-making skills among foster youth, and supporting adult members of the foster care system in better understanding the circumstances and reactions of foster care youth.


The Oasis Center
1704 Charlotte Pike, Suite 200
Nashville, TN  37203
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2009

Purpose of Grant: To expand the Tennessee Youth Advisory Council’s training and consultation efforts and to continue to support the Council’s members in their individual development.


One Economy Corporation
1220 19th Street NW
Suite 610
Washington, DC  20036
Grant Amount: $99,500 (8 months)
Date Awarded: January 2012

Purpose of Grant: One Economy Corporation and Carolina Youth Development Center (see separate grant description) propose an innovative pilot to bring technology access, training and resources to foster youth as they exit foster care into independence.


On the Move
780 Lincoln Avenue
Napa, CA  94558
Grant Amount: $60,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To support V.O.I.C.E.S. Sonoma through its second operational year as it strengthens and expands service delivery and establishes new funding sources.


On the Move
1801 Oak Street
Napa, CA  94559
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005

Purpose of Grant: To design and launch a youth-led foster care transition and Emancipation Center in Napa County, California.


On the Move
1801 Oak Street
Napa, CA  94559
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2006

Purpose of Grant: To design and launch a youth-led foster care transition and Emancipation Center in Napa County, California.


On the Move
1801 Oak Street
Napa, CA  94559
Grant Amount: $75,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2007

Purpose of Grant: To allow On the Move to capture and consolidate the innovative models, techniques, philosophies and strategies that have enabled the program at V.O.I.C.E.S. to thrive.


On the Move
1801 Oak Street
Napa, CA  94559
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009

Purpose of Grant:  AFF BETs III Project - To develop the first peer mentoring program focused on job placement and life skills for foster youth in Sonoma County.


On the Move
780 Lincoln Avenue
Napa, CA  94558
Grant Amount: $26,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To develop a youth-led LGBT program at V.O.I.C.E.S. in Napa County, California.


Orangewood Children's Foundation
1575 East 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705-8506
Grant Amount: $65,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2001

Purpose of Grant: To fund the development of a Transitions to Success program that will use William Bridges' Transitions theory to help Orangewood's current and former foster youth successfully identify and manage the transitions they experience both in care and as they exit out.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $83,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: November 2001

Purpose of Grant: To fund the Young Women in Transition project -- a program that supports young women transitioning out of OSLC's Treatment Foster Care Program.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $19,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: May 2003

Purpose of Grant: To fund the OSLC to lead an Andrus Family Fund grantee process to develop a shared-model evaluation process.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $147,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: May 2003

Purpose of Grant: To fund the second and third years of the Young Women in Transition project -- a program that supports young women transitioning out of the OSLC's Treatment Foster Care program.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $30,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005

Purpose of Grant: To fund Oregon Social Learning Center's continued leadership of a grantee process to develop a share-model evaluation process.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005

Purpose of Grant: This grant will fund the fourth and final year of the Young Women in Transition project - a program that supports young women transitioning out of Oregon Social Learning Center's Treatment Foster Care program.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $42,800 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2006

Purpose of Grant: To fund Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP) to facilitate a process of data collection, management and analysis of the pre- and post- program data submitted by AFF grantees after administering the Youth Experience with Transitions (YET) and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) to youth participating in their Transition-enhanced programs.


Oregon Social Learning Center
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $60,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2007

Purpose of Grant: To fund Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP) to continue to facilitate a process of data collection, management and analysis of the pre- and post- program data submitted by AFF grantees after administering the Youth Experience with Transitions (YET) and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) to youth participating in their Transition-enhanced programs.


Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP)
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $62,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008

Purpose of Grant: To fund Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP) to facilitate a process of data collection, management and analysis of the pre- and post-program data submitted by AFF grantees after administering the YET and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) to youth participating in their Transition-enhanced programs.


Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP)
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $66,00 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2008

Purpose of Grant: To fund Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs (OCP) to facilitate a process of data collection, management and analysis of the pre- and post-program data submitted by AFF grantees after administering the YET and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) to youth participating in their Transition-enhanced programs.


Oregon Social Learning Center Community Programs
10 Sheldon McMurphey Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
Grant Amount: $66,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010

Purpose of Grant: To continue to facilitate a process of data collection, management and analysis of the pre- and post- program data submitted by AFF grantees after administering the Youth Experience of Transitions (YET) and Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) to youth participating in their Transition-enhanced programs.


The Possibility Project
104 W. 27th Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $360,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2008

Purpose of Grant: To prepare NYC foster care youth for independence through an intense creative process exploring and addressing the complicated forces and events that they encounter on a daily basis.  Each year, participants will (1) write and perform an original musical from the real-life conflicts they face and their vision for positive change and (2) design and execute community action projects based on their emerging vision.


Professional Association of Treatment Homes (PATH)
2324 University Avenue W.
St. Paul, MN 55114
Grant Amount: $120,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2003

Purpose of Grant: To support the planning and implementation of PATH's Transitions for Lifelong Successes Program.


Professional Association of Treatment Homes (PATH)
2324 University Avenue W.
St. Paul, MN 55114
Grant Amount: $130,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To expand and enhance the implementation of PATH's Bridge Builders Program.


Professional Association of Treatment Homes (PATH)
2324 University Avenue W.
St. Paul, MN 55114
Grant Amount: $20,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) enable the staff of the Bridge Builders Pilot Project to update and finish production of the Bridge Builders materials; and (2) draft an article on PATH's learnings using the Transition Framework with youth who have intensive special needs.


Professional Association of Treatment Homes (PATH)
2324 University Avenue W.
St. Paul, MN 55114
Grant Amount: $110,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: June 2006

Purpose of Grant: To enable PATH to transition the Bridge Builders program from being a privately funded pilot program to a government funded program.


Public/Private Ventures
2000 Market Street Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 9103
Grant Amount: $100,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2001

Purpose of Grant: To fund a year long Andrus Family Fund Fellowship, based at Public/Private Ventures, to explore the use of mentoring to aid the transition of institutionalized and disadvantaged youth.


Public/Private Ventures
2000 Market Street Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Grant Amount: $25,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2001

Purpose of Grant: To underwrite the cost of the first annual William Bridges Seminar on Transitions for new Andrus Family Fund (AFF) grantees. The seminar will be led by William Bridges and assist new grantees in understanding and applying the framework of transitions to program design and implementation.


Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency
55 North Occidental Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Grant Amount: $127,500 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008

Purpose of Grant: To support the Teens in Transition program which is designed to prepare teens for emancipation from foster care, to enhance their understanding of their life choices, to strengthen their sense of self, and to prepare them to advocate for their needs.


Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency
55 North Occidental Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Grant Amount: $10,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2010

Purpose of Grant: To develop and implement a youth-led Transition Framework training curriculum.


St. Vincent’s Services
66 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY  11201
Grant Amount: $34,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2010

Purpose of Grant: To allow St. Vincent’s Services to use the Transition Framework to provide their young people with a set of strategies that can serve as a stabilizing factor in the face of upcoming major organizational changes as well as in their own upcoming transition to independence.


St. Vincent's Services
66 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Grant Amount: $40,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: September 2004

Purpose of Grant: To engage in a planning process to design a new St. Vincent's Services (SVS) Transitional Program Model to help youth cope with their individual transitions as they leave the foster care system.


St. Vincent's Services

66 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Grant Amount: $237,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2005

Purpose of Grant: To implement a new St. Vincent's Services Transitional Program Model to help youth in foster family placement cope with their individual Transitions as they leave the foster care system.


St. Vincent's Services
66 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Grant Amount: $135,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2007

Purpose of Grant: To allow St. Vincent’s Services to proceed with their third year of operating The Next Level project.


St. Vincent's Services
66 Boerum Place
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Grant Amount: $226,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2008

Purpose of Grant: To bring direct Transition training to 60 foster parents and their foster children.


True Colors, Inc.
945 Main Street, Suite 211
Manchester, CT 06040
Grant Amount: $90,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2004

Purpose of Grant: To enable True Colors to enhance their LGBTQ Mentoring Program by: revising and evaluating their mentoring curriculum; documenting short- and long-term outcomes; and developing a model of mentoring recruitment, training and programming that can be successfully replicated in communities across the state of Connecticut.


University of St. Thomas
2115 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, MN  55105
Grant Amount: $153,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To examine the long-term impact of Transition Framework training on stability, social support, employment, education, and family relationships for older youth in foster care at Family Alternatives (see Family Alternatives’ September 2011 grant description).


Urban Justice Center
666 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Grant Amount: $140,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2001

Purpose of Grant: To establish the Urban Justice Center's LGBT Independence Project, a program designed to assist lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) young people as they age out of the New York City foster care system and transition into adult life.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $90,000 (6 months)
Date Awarded: April 2005

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) continue the support of a capacity-building program in which present and new AFF grantees (with at least one year remaining in their grants) each receive supplemental support to engage a Transition Coach to provide Transition training and Transition-related program development assistance to their staff; and (2) continue the support of the grantee peer-to-peer consulting program.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $214,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2005

Purpose of Grant: To assist grantees in applying the Transitions Framework in their work by: (1) providing a Transitions Coach for training and Transitions-related program development assistance, and (2) connecting them to the growing base of knowledge being generated by our past and present grantees.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $217,800 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2006

Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees become more effective at applying the Transition Framework by delivering training and coaching.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $190,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2007

Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees maximize the benefits to their programs from applying the Transition Framework by providing consistent, high quality training, consulting and coaching; and to help the entire AFF – board, staff, consultants, grantees, and learning partners – learn how to more effectively “hard wire” the Framework into existing programs so that the benefits will be sustainable in the long run.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $34,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant: To make AFF’s learning on Transitions and Foster Care more widely available and to help AFF grantees “hard wire” the Transition Framework into their ongoing work by developing a written curriculum and an institutional capacity to provide introductory Transition Training for leaders, managers, line staff and youth in the foster care system.


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $211,500 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2008

Purpose of Grant: To help AFF grantees maximize the benefits of applying the Transition Framework by providing consistent, high quality training, consulting and coaching; and to help the entire AFF - board, staff, consultants, grantees, and learning partners-capture and share what we are learning on how to apply the Framework and how to sustain the change of using the Framework for the long run. 


Vanderbilt University
School of Law
131 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203-1181
Grant Amount: $61,000 (3 months)
Date Awarded: July 2009

Purpose of Grant: To supplement Vanderbilt’s present grant so that they may provide additional coaching time to our grantees. 


Walden Family Services
3517 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92108-4028
Grant Amount: $280,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: May 2004

Purpose of Grant: To fully integrate the Transition Framework into Walden's agency philosophy, staff development, weekly home visits with the youth and families, youth training, and agency evaluation.


Walden Family Services
3517 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92108-4028
Grant Amount: $107,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2009

Purpose of Grant: To enhance Walden’s understanding and use of the Transition Framework throughout its programs and services with special emphasis on the pre- and post-emancipated youth population in the Independent Futures program.


Walden Family Services
6150 Mission Gorge Road, Suite 210
San Diego, CA  92120
Grant Amount: $62,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To reinforce the Transitions Framework into the agency’s organizational practices with employees, in direct care services to foster youth and emancipated foster youth and to introduce the framework to community partners.


YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis
30 S. Ninth Street
Minneapolis, MN  55402
Grant Amount: $298,000 (3 years)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant: To provide continued support to the 24-Seven Transitions Project as it strengthens and expands outreach-based services to foster care youth preparing for emancipation.


Youth Advocacy Center
281 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014
Grant Amount: $130,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2002

Purpose of Grant: To integrate the transitions theory into the Youth Advocacy Center's self-advocacy curriculum for young people in foster care, test the transition curriculum with 60 teens, and publish an article about teaching transition theory to young people in foster care.


Youth Advocacy Center
281 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014
Grant Amount: $55,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2004

Purpose of Grant: To 1) develop and offer training and technical assistance to up to four AFF grantees on using the Youth Advocacy Center's Getting Beyond the System model, and 2) publish, market and sell the curriculum as a package to interested organizations nationally.


Youth Advocacy Center
281 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014
Grant Amount: $90,000 (18 months)
Date Awarded: January 2005

Purpose of Grant: To : (1) create standalone training units for teens in foster care to learn self-advocacy skills and transition theory in the context of programs they are already attending; and (2) create a curriculum to train and certify agency staff to teach these units.


Youth Advocacy Center
281 Sixth Avenue
New York, NY 10014
Grant Amount: $65,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant: To create and test a new seminar curriculum for staff at social services agencies, and to develop written materials, including a handbook/workbook and book chapter/article.  The curriculum and publications will use the transitions framework to help staff adopt new ways, such as Getting Beyond the System (Youth Advocacy Center’s self-advocacy curriculum for young people), to empower young people to become successful adults and participating citizens.


Youth Business Initiative
43702 Lucketts Bridge Circle
Ashburn, VA  20148
Grant Amount: $165,000 (17 months)
Date Awarded: January 2009

Purpose of Grant: To redesign and implement a three week summer residential program for high school students in foster care that incorporates the Transition Framework and to create “Bridges to Transition,” a year-round monthly program designed to prepare this same group of youth for emancipation from the foster care system.


Youth Business Initiative
43702 Lucketts Bridge Circle
Ashburn, VA  20148
Grant Amount: $2,000 (10 months)
Date Awarded: Julyy 2009

Purpose of Grant: To redesign and implement a three week summer residential program for high school students in foster care that incorporates the Transition Framework and to create “Bridges to Transition,” a year-round monthly program designed to prepare this same group of youth for emancipation from the foster care system.


Youth Business Initiative
43702 Lucketts Bridge Circle
Ashburn, VA  20148
Grant Amount: $85,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: April 2010

Purpose of Grant: To continue the integration of the Transition Framework into three components of Youth Business Initiative’s work:  the summer institute, the Alumni Ambassador Program and Transition Ease.


Youth Business Initiative
515 M. Street SE, Suite 217
Washington, DC  20003
Grant Amount: $170,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant:  To continue to incorporate the Transition Framework into the organization’s three main projects (YBI Summer Institute, Alumni Ambassador Program and Transition Ease) and to create a paid fellowship for program alumni to provide leadership in these programs as well as to train adults in the Transition Framework.


Youth Communication New York Center, Inc.
224 West 29th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $160,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2005

Purpose of Grant: To: (1) develop and test a pilot curriculum that teaches youth in care how to write about their personal stories an reflections about Transition for publication in Represent, a magazine published by Youth Communication for foster youth; and (2) to develop and refine a Transitions-based curriculum for independent living instructors that will enable them to help youth aging out of care understand the psychological challenges of leaving care, while learning the "hard" skills (budgeting, interviewing, cooking, etc.) necessary to live as an adult.


Youth Communication New York Center, Inc.
224 West 29th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $96,500 (18 months)
Date Awarded: June 2007

Purpose of Grant: To:  (1) run two Transition workshops for teens:  one to help them learn about Transition tools and a second in which they will identify a change they want to make and implement the tools; (2) develop, pilot and refine a self-help manual that teens can use to learn the tools and implement them; (3) develop, pilot and refine a facilitators guide for foster care agency staff to show them how to help teens use the manual; and (4) publish the self-help manual and facilitators guide through Youth Communication’s many distribution channels.


Youth Communication New York Center, Inc.
224 West 29th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $27,900 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant:  AFF BETs II Project -  To run two distinct projects aimed for teens in the foster care system.  The first project would provide support for the aging out of foster care website initially created by Youth Communication.  This website requires additional web and editorial work to reach its vision.  The second project is to develop college information for teens in care and recent alumni.  This information would initially be printed in Represent magazine with republishing on the Represent website, ACS website, and others such as the National Court Appointed Special Advocates program which regularly publishes Represent stories in its newsletter which has a readership of 38,000 individuals.


Youth Communication New York Center, Inc.
224 West 29th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $15,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2009

Purpose of Grant:  AFF BETs III Project - To have the youth in care create the first ever college guidebook for their peers.  The guidebook will both show students how to prepare for college; how to get into college and how to succeed once there.  The book will be marketed nationwide to independent living programs and college support programs for youth in care.


Youth Communication New York Center, Inc.
224 West 29th Street, Second Floor
New York, NY 10001
Grant Amount: $24,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: September 2011

Purpose of Grant:  To increase the number of agency staff who use the Real Transitions book/curriculum and to help them use it more productively with young people.


Youth Continuum
746 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT  06510
Grant Amount: $179,800 (2 years)
Date Awarded: September 2006

Purpose of Grant: To pilot the seamless integration of the Transition Framework into the agency’s programs for foster youth.


Youth Continuum
746 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT  06510
Grant Amount: $12,465 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2008

Purpose of Grant: To fund a day-and-a-half convening (mini-conference) of a small group of Foster Care grantees in the New England area to stimulate reflection, generate interest and increase effectiveness in the ways that the Transitions Framework is used by foster care grantees in the following four areas:  training youth, clinical practice, evaluation and organizational development.


Youth Continuum
746 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT  06510
Grant Amount: $69,000 (1 year)
Date Awarded: January 2009

Purpose of Grant: To develop and implement a youth peer-to-peer transitions training model to support youth as they enter and exit care as well as in the first few years after emancipation.


Youth Law Center
417 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94101

Faith Communities for Families and Children
Post Office Box 9026
Inglewood, CA 90305
Grant Amount: $ 185,000 (2 years)
Date Awarded: April 2001

Purpose of Grant: To fund the Transition to Independence portion of the Youth Law Center's project on Faith Communities for Families and Children.